On October 26, 2021, the companies Fidizzi and Wise Pirates all met for the first time for an event between employees of each company, with the objective of introducing themselves, defining what the functionalities and responsibilities are in each of these entities.

- The most important part of this meeting was the socializing part, that we could share stories and experiences, good or not so good, that we went through, and try to get to know each other a little more with this kind of introduction together.

- The essence of these meetings, is that we can have the transparency and integrity of each other, help each other, because that is what will certainly make us conquer each victory and savor that moment much better.

Several topics were discussed that day, both at Fidizzi and Wise Pirates, like:
- Presentation about WP and Fidizzi
- Demo Sales/Service/Community
- Demo Einstein Bot with Service Cloud
- Demo Trigger (programming)
- Demo Lightning Flow
- Demo Marketing Cloud
- Use Cases MC – Custom Activities and Events
- Use Cases MC – Real Life Issues