What You Should Know about Salesforce Flow Errors

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Salesforce Flow mistakes are unavoidable when you are building these mechanized cycles. Did you have any idea that you can make a pleasant, clean client encounter when a blunder happens? Giving clients an unmistakable and brief mistake message tells them turned out badly.

This is known as Salesforce Flow “issue dealing with”, the prescribed procedures for making due, troubleshooting, and staying away from mistakes in your Salesforce Flows.

What is an Unhandled Fault?

An “unhandled issue” is tossed when something occurs inside your Flow that conflicts with what Salesforce is anticipating. This could be something as basic as pushing a record without a necessary field being populated, or something eviler like a lead representative cutoff being hit (and that implies an excessive number of SOQL inquiries).

How to Create Flow Error Messages

As a user, when you’re just approaching your day and attempting to finish work, there’s nothing more disappointing than being met with a mistake that doesn’t have a human-accommodating clarification. Clients will undoubtedly get irritated and may ultimately begin searching for workarounds outside the framework. The mistake underneath is an illustration of the default blunder that a client might experience while utilizing Salesforce:

As much as you should design your Flows to be less error-prone (more on that later), errors are bound to occur sometimes, especially in more complex Flows.
You want your users to know what specifically caused the error, especially if it’s something that can be easily fixed so they can finish the task at hand. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this.


Using Decisions to Avoid Flow Errors

To try not to hit a ‘shortcoming’ by and large, you can utilize a Decision to actually look at explicit models before continuing and circle the client back around assuming you want to tidy up or assemble extra data.

You can make custom Screens to clarify a blunder. For instance, utilizing the streaming model from a past article, to tell your clients that the Account they’re referring to has no Contacts, you’d have to make a Screen after the Get Contacts clarifying this, and put a Decision component that chooses the regardless of whether the countContacts variable (the quantity of records in the Collection) is more prominent than or equivalent to 1.

Assuming that the Account has under 1 Contact, you might need to release the client back and choose an alternate Account, or close out the Flow by and large, regardless, you’ve effectively tried not to hit a mistake!


Making a Custom Error Message for Users and Admins

You ought to constantly design the Fault Connectors to illuminate you when a Flow comes up short. This assists you with detecting any predictable blunders before they become a migraine for your clients, or at any rate gives you simple admittance to some key data when a Flow truly does unavoidably fall flat and a client needs to realize what turned out badly. The model underneath sits at the lower part of a Flow that makes another Lead record.


  • With a custom Error Screen, your clients will actually want to see somewhat more data and ought to have the option to distinguish that the issue is connected with the “Organization” field, which is absent. You’ll likewise get a duplicate of a similar blunder in your email (with extra data, for example, their feedback esteems, the time the Flow was run, and who ran it).



Flow Errors Caused by Inactive Users

Errors may at times happen on the off chance that a client is idle. This happens most regularly when somebody leaves the association. Assuming a client allocated to the Flow is presently not dynamic while attempting to continue a Flow interview that has been stopped, you will cause a blunder.

The simplest solution for this issue is to freeze your clients and guarantee all Flow interviews doled out to that specific client are finished before completely deactivating them.

Change Who Receives Flow Error Emails

The Process Automation Settings in Setup shows you who ought to get the Flow blunder messages. You can choose whether it will be the ‘Client Who Last Modified the Process or Flow’, or ‘Apex Exception Email Recipients’ (this is a rundown of clients determined on the Apex Exception Email page).


Is There a Way to Ignore Salesforce Flow Errors?

You can likewise disregard a Fault through and through by hauling the Fault line to a similar spot as the achievement line. By and large, this isn’t suggested, and should just be done in specific specialty conditions, for example, guaranteeing a Contact is important for a particular Campaign.


Salesforce Cases – How They Can Help You Manage Flow Errors

If your IT Helpdesk runs within Salesforce utilizing something like Cases, in addition to the fact that you send could an email with the Flow blunder subtleties, however, you could likewise make a Case to guarantee there is a development. Following through with something like this will assist with building trust between your clients and Salesforce, as they’ll discover that the stage is continually developing and improving, and they won’t see a similar issue on numerous occasions over.


Getting to List of Failed Flow Interviews in Setup

To see a rundown of All Failed Flow Interviews in Setup, just quest for ‘Stopped and Failed Flow Interviews’ in Setup’s Quick Find bar, and change to the All Failed Flow Interviews List View.







Please read the official Salesforce documentation available at this link.





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