Pledge 1% Day – Board Games Session @ Associação Integrar

Fidizzi Pledge Happy Day!

The commitment is to donate 1% of our staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to ANY charity of our choosing, and that is why Fidizzi helped to carry out some activities, which included holding two board game sessions and giving a food donation to Associação Integrar.

The mission of this association is to support disadvantaged populations, including children and youth at risk, former prisoners and individuals serving prison sentences in the community.

Associação Integrar develop several projects, such as Banco Mágico and Cozinha Solidária.

Banco Magico  is a temporary lending service and donation of playful, pedagogical and didactic material, namely toys and textbooks, which seeks to develop strategies to promote the development of personal, family and social skills.

Cozinha Solidária was inaugurated on November 25, 2011, with the financial support of EDP Foundation. Cozinha Solidária has given life to one of the multiple designs of Associação Integrar, always in favor of social inclusion, aiming at the acquisition and development of skills in home management and food economy.

The board game sessions were held with much enthusiasm and dedication by the team on the 19th of November and Fidizzi donated 500 euro to Associação Integrar. The game sessions were held in the morning at Cais and in the afternoon at Casa Aninhas. There were a variety of games played that day, such as Klask, Splendor, Flamme, Rouge and Lusitania.


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